6049 rank

7,697,871 points

3,400 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Draco 922 the Lucky    Essence
Walstrand 4694 Draco 922 the Lucky Essence 15,077,450 5,296
Draco 922 the Lucky    Unknown
Dunarsund 5854 Draco 922 the Lucky Unknown 14,962,374 5,267
Draco 922 the Lucky    Tru Power
East-Nagach 5943 Draco 922 the Lucky Tru Power 13,851,298 5,074
Draco 922 the Lucky    Keya
Yorkton 6049 Draco 922 the Lucky Keya 7,697,871 3,400
Draco 922 the Lucky    Sparky8140
Noarsil 6429 Draco 922 the Lucky Sparky8140 7,533,475 3,500