12810 rank

317,609 points

945 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Calvin 237 the Sly    Mongo Raiders
Dunarsund 5030 Calvin 237 the Sly Mongo Raiders 19,554,662 9,048
Calvin 237 the Sly    Buccaneers
Mount Killmore 6490 Calvin 237 the Sly Buccaneers 10,021,224 7,463
Calvin 237 the Sly    BRD
Korch 8231 Calvin 237 the Sly BRD 3,000,635 4,109
Calvin 237 the Sly    No rules, just play
Cirgard 9827 Calvin 237 the Sly No rules, just play 1,933,175 2,873
Calvin 237 the Sly    Ironforge
Odhrorvar 8553 Calvin 237 the Sly Ironforge 1,919,926 3,582
Calvin 237 the Sly    Dragon Roost
Tuulech 8605 Calvin 237 the Sly Dragon Roost 1,712,961 2,744
Calvin 237 the Sly    Sphere of Light
Parkog 9265 Calvin 237 the Sly Sphere of Light 1,327,029 2,013
Calvin 237 the Sly    House Slytherin
Vingrid 9857 Calvin 237 the Sly House Slytherin 1,137,474 2,331
Calvin 237 the Sly    Blood Red Skies
Greifental 11056 Calvin 237 the Sly Blood Red Skies 850,622 1,712
Calvin 237 the Sly    The Roaring Kittens
Walstrand 11319 Calvin 237 the Sly The Roaring Kittens 464,769 1,227
Calvin 237 the Sly    Deep Blue Sea
Yorkton 12810 Calvin 237 the Sly Deep Blue Sea 317,609 945
Calvin 237 the Sly    Celtic Dragon's
Birka 9864 Calvin 237 the Sly Celtic Dragon's 222,488 588
Calvin 237 the Sly    freedom
Sinerania 14748 Calvin 237 the Sly freedom 132,353 528