10941 rank

638,195 points

443 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Draco 178 the Lion    No Rules
Jaims 7533 Draco 178 the Lion No Rules 4,889,609 601
Draco 178 the Lion    solace1
Uceria 7380 Draco 178 the Lion solace1 4,611,184 529
Draco 178 the Lion    Arcana
Arvahall 9858 Draco 178 the Lion Arcana 4,601,589 418
Draco 178 the Lion   
East-Nagach 8259 Draco 178 the Lion 4,562,928 964
Draco 178 the Lion    Americans
Yorkton 10941 Draco 178 the Lion Americans 638,195 443