5969 rank

7,098,121 points

10,049 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stuart.Gold    Fun With FOE
East-Nagach 1709 Stuart.Gold Fun With FOE 138,908,299 35,600
Stuart.Gold    Dawn Traders Guild
Arvahall 7781 Stuart.Gold Dawn Traders Guild 9,303,313 9,361
Stuart.Gold    Celts
Yorkton 5969 Stuart.Gold Celts 7,098,121 10,049
Stuart.Gold    ✨Diamonds Forever✨
Rugnir 6260 Stuart.Gold ✨Diamonds Forever✨ 6,996,655 10,457
Stuart.Gold    ⚔️Enterprise⚔️
Korch 6626 Stuart.Gold ⚔️Enterprise⚔️ 6,880,346 8,661