4418 rank

19,362,214 points

22,382 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Urza the Artificer   
Xyr 644 Urza the Artificer 404,286,060 84,255
Urza the Artificer   
Brisgard 3690 Urza the Artificer 53,086,697 41,594
Urza the Artificer   
Fel Dranghyr 3464 Urza the Artificer 50,542,977 36,270
Urza the Artificer   
Angkor 2725 Urza the Artificer 42,376,513 28,386
Urza the Artificer   
Birka 1895 Urza the Artificer 41,966,008 29,741
Urza the Artificer   
Yorkton 4418 Urza the Artificer 19,362,214 22,382
Urza the Artificer   
Carthage 6198 Urza the Artificer 645,072 1,169
Urza the Artificer   
Dilmun 4605 Urza the Artificer 520,811 935