603 rank

517,297,494 points

216,864 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
October2024    Random Glitch
Yorkton 603 October2024 Random Glitch 517,297,494 216,864
October2024    Allies of Zendikar
Cirgard 3557 October2024 Allies of Zendikar 49,528,676 42,025
October2024    Singularity
Korch 3987 October2024 Singularity 35,253,005 31,119
October2024    Aftermath
Vingrid 3781 October2024 Aftermath 34,649,726 29,538
October2024    KHEDIVE
Angkor 3129 October2024 KHEDIVE 33,328,804 27,643
October2024    Infinity
Carthage 1436 October2024 Infinity 32,157,659 30,199
October2024    The Rabbit Hole
Houndsmoor 4956 October2024 The Rabbit Hole 24,065,567 22,277
October2024    Deliverance
Dilmun 1488 October2024 Deliverance 18,527,062 14,527
October2024    Braveheart
Odhrorvar 5983 October2024 Braveheart 9,692,292 6,978
October2024    Phoenix Rising
Walstrand 6172 October2024 Phoenix Rising 7,359,946 5,442
October2024    Motley Forgin' Fools
Fel Dranghyr 13371 October2024 Motley Forgin' Fools 338,669 391