8283 rank

2,391,941 points

4,044 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dr. Norrie the Brash   
Xyr 4011 Dr. Norrie the Brash 28,633,974 11,885
Dr. Norrie the Brash   
Cirgard 5397 Dr. Norrie the Brash 17,813,438 9,447
Dr. Norrie the Brash   
Mount Killmore 5753 Dr. Norrie the Brash 16,544,484 8,030
Dr. Norrie the Brash   
Sinerania 5074 Dr. Norrie the Brash 14,890,708 7,479
Dr. Norrie the Brash   
Yorkton 8283 Dr. Norrie the Brash 2,391,941 4,044