19277 rank

29,974 points

28 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Birka 2857 Septlo 13,509,754 21,195
Carthage 2088 Septlo 9,140,307 8,917
Septlo    Diamond Traders
Odhrorvar 7230 Septlo Diamond Traders 4,185,380 5,311
Greifental 9544 Septlo 1,689,047 2,938
Septlo    Diamond Cutter Guild
Fel Dranghyr 12189 Septlo Diamond Cutter Guild 612,203 1,891
Septlo    Appalachia
Uceria 13116 Septlo Appalachia 289,418 638
Septlo    Warriors
Angkor 17434 Septlo Warriors 38,303 66
Septlo    The Noble Ones
Dunarsund 21352 Septlo The Noble Ones 30,526 31
Langendorn 18687 Septlo 30,487 56
Septlo    Red_Lions
Yorkton 19277 Septlo Red_Lions 29,974 28