10923 rank

644,316 points

1,161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lichenthrope    UNFORGIVEN
Yorkton 10923 Lichenthrope UNFORGIVEN 644,316 1,161
Lichenthrope    UNFORGIVEN II
Langendorn 11438 Lichenthrope UNFORGIVEN II 535,789 931
Lichenthrope    UNFORGIVEN III
Arvahall 16014 Lichenthrope UNFORGIVEN III 486,830 812
Angkor 11344 Lichenthrope 397,073 760
Lichenthrope    Werewolves of London
Brisgard 15382 Lichenthrope Werewolves of London 356,341 616
Rugnir 12532 Lichenthrope 298,642 647
Lichenthrope    Pirates of Parkog
Parkog 14710 Lichenthrope Pirates of Parkog 99,013 414