19642 rank

21,023 points

38 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Uceria 16563 Catherine 4600 the Red 50,587 31
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Angkor 16422 Catherine 4600 the Red 46,340 45
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Vingrid 17555 Catherine 4600 the Red 38,204 99
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Fel Dranghyr 19552 Catherine 4600 the Red 27,260 41
Catherine 4600 the Red    Going with the Flow
Houndsmoor 20765 Catherine 4600 the Red Going with the Flow 25,154 65
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Birka 14626 Catherine 4600 the Red 24,507 29
Catherine 4600 the Red   
Yorkton 19642 Catherine 4600 the Red 21,023 38