2083 rank

88,134,276 points

19,127 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Erict3742    The Ærie DM 🦅
Yorkton 2083 Erict3742 The Ærie DM 🦅 88,134,276 19,127
Erict3742    Hogan's Heroes
Brisgard 8228 Erict3742 Hogan's Heroes 6,793,941 3,017
Erict3742    Spamelot
Vingrid 7803 Erict3742 Spamelot 3,412,118 2,144
Erict3742    knighs who say ni
East-Nagach 9761 Erict3742 knighs who say ni 2,059,291 1,457