15236 rank

129,578 points

379 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PaulB68    Ghost Ship
Cirgard 7093 PaulB68 Ghost Ship 6,818,614 3,155
PaulB68    Mothballed
Brisgard 11626 PaulB68 Mothballed 1,351,745 1,578
PaulB68    Freemasons
Xyr 11023 PaulB68 Freemasons 1,035,717 1,482
PaulB68    Parallel Solace
Dunarsund 11691 PaulB68 Parallel Solace 1,013,068 1,146
PaulB68    Low Effort Club
Greifental 11091 PaulB68 Low Effort Club 835,373 1,106
PaulB68    Just to have fun
East-Nagach 11813 PaulB68 Just to have fun 819,617 1,079
PaulB68    Mothballed
Walstrand 10521 PaulB68 Mothballed 651,719 1,037
PaulB68    fuggitt
Fel Dranghyr 12229 PaulB68 fuggitt 603,276 985
PaulB68    Mothballed
Vingrid 11516 PaulB68 Mothballed 567,690 894
PaulB68    World War Z
Houndsmoor 13510 PaulB68 World War Z 466,545 679
PaulB68    MEH?
Uceria 13169 PaulB68 MEH? 282,114 585
PaulB68    Diamond Farmers
Jaims 15050 PaulB68 Diamond Farmers 168,667 418
PaulB68    Æsir
Yorkton 15236 PaulB68 Æsir 129,578 379
PaulB68    Part-Timers Guild
Korch 16249 PaulB68 Part-Timers Guild 102,184 296
PaulB68    Expiditors
Odhrorvar 15604 PaulB68 Expiditors 82,686 270
PaulB68    Need a Time Out
Qunrir 16625 PaulB68 Need a Time Out 61,519 115
PaulB68    Free fun
Parkog 17220 PaulB68 Free fun 45,425 134
PaulB68    Fresh Start
Noarsil 18109 PaulB68 Fresh Start 34,313 125
PaulB68    Mothballs
Langendorn 18561 PaulB68 Mothballs 31,776 123
PaulB68    Free Spirit
Sinerania 18306 PaulB68 Free Spirit 30,724 106
PaulB68    wolf
Mount Killmore 22525 PaulB68 wolf 27,579 98
PaulB68    not serious
Angkor 18468 PaulB68 not serious 26,426 87
PaulB68    WolfPack
Birka 14878 PaulB68 WolfPack 24,410 108