5206 rank

12,998,478 points

4,131 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Razlak    Guardians of Gaia
Arvahall 2577 Razlak Guardians of Gaia 127,837,263 17,844
Razlak    The Black Diamond
Greifental 3594 Razlak The Black Diamond 46,692,630 7,695
Razlak    White Skull
Houndsmoor 4654 Razlak White Skull 28,343,469 6,045
Razlak    Elohinium Gilak
Jaims 4505 Razlak Elohinium Gilak 24,548,286 5,165
Razlak    KCCO
Mount Killmore 5236 Razlak KCCO 21,210,245 5,292
Razlak    Those New Guys
Yorkton 5206 Razlak Those New Guys 12,998,478 4,131