5992 rank

6,982,264 points

2,636 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gudge66    Erin Go Bragh 🇮🇪
Xyr 5796 gudge66 Erin Go Bragh 🇮🇪 12,008,801 2,953
gudge66    Circle of Willis
Zorskog 5992 gudge66 Circle of Willis 6,982,264 2,636
gudge66    The Knights
Angkor 6757 gudge66 The Knights 4,243,675 3,512
gudge66    WARCLOCK
Sinerania 9165 gudge66 WARCLOCK 1,355,894 1,758
gudge66    Eternal Circle
Tuulech 12394 gudge66 Eternal Circle 255,815 113