763 rank

292,559,688 points

79,822 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Archaea the Wise    The Pea Pod
Houndsmoor 899 Archaea the Wise The Pea Pod 393,237,821 78,048
Archaea the Wise    The Phantom Troupe
Zorskog 763 Archaea the Wise The Phantom Troupe 292,559,688 79,822
Archaea the Wise   
Jaims 4001 Archaea the Wise 32,684,389 12,217
Archaea the Wise   
Xyr 9307 Archaea the Wise 2,200,274 787
Archaea the Wise   
Noarsil 11304 Archaea the Wise 521,649 449