639 rank

314,721,585 points

77,786 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Wolfman    Chosen ®
Arvahall 239 Sir Wolfman Chosen ® 1,233,801,072 215,917
Sir Wolfman    The Wolf🐺Pack🇺🇦
Greifental 279 Sir Wolfman The Wolf🐺Pack🇺🇦 990,088,998 218,417
Sir Wolfman    The🐺Wolf🐺Pack
Dilmun 33 Sir Wolfman The🐺Wolf🐺Pack 879,770,339 217,305
Sir Wolfman    Legion of Wolves
Carthage 102 Sir Wolfman Legion of Wolves 554,266,532 151,698
Sir Wolfman    Hellsgate
Zorskog 639 Sir Wolfman Hellsgate 314,721,585 77,786
Sir Wolfman    The Jungle Wolves
Xyr 3538 Sir Wolfman The Jungle Wolves 35,720,172 39,989
Sir Wolfman    Friends Of Earth
Yorkton 3472 Sir Wolfman Friends Of Earth 31,955,128 27,326