4530 rank

13,872,059 points

2,659 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    DOA
Zorskog 4530 Flavius 613 the Vengeful DOA 13,872,059 2,659
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    The Vöid
East-Nagach 7237 Flavius 613 the Vengeful The Vöid 7,493,986 1,620
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    Liberty
Yorkton 6149 Flavius 613 the Vengeful Liberty 7,337,899 1,256
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    Tower Of Power
Tuulech 6444 Flavius 613 the Vengeful Tower Of Power 6,428,313 1,295
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    The Masters
Greifental 7724 Flavius 613 the Vengeful The Masters 4,813,569 952
Flavius 613 the Vengeful    eye314
Dunarsund 9639 Flavius 613 the Vengeful eye314 2,558,161 878