8051 rank

2,123,926 points

2,743 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Guerakeen the Great   
Langendorn 5123 Guerakeen the Great 16,572,681 6,088
Guerakeen the Great    Buccaneers
Mount Killmore 6799 Guerakeen the Great Buccaneers 10,301,200 2,533
Guerakeen the Great   
Zorskog 8051 Guerakeen the Great 2,123,926 2,743
Guerakeen the Great   
Arvahall 17273 Guerakeen the Great 327,900 833
Guerakeen the Great    Armonia
Jaims 13416 Guerakeen the Great Armonia 277,006 270
Guerakeen the Great    Game of Thrones*🥷
Brisgard 16852 Guerakeen the Great Game of Thrones*🥷 210,926 474
Guerakeen the Great    Cyber Dogs
Cirgard 16573 Guerakeen the Great Cyber Dogs 129,390 447
Guerakeen the Great    Spooky Blue
Sinerania 14137 Guerakeen the Great Spooky Blue 126,550 165
Guerakeen the Great    Star of the Dragon
Fel Dranghyr 16705 Guerakeen the Great Star of the Dragon 76,765 153
Guerakeen the Great    THE REPUBLIC
Vingrid 15915 Guerakeen the Great THE REPUBLIC 69,377 310
Guerakeen the Great    Athena
Dunarsund 18427 Guerakeen the Great Athena 64,921 272
Guerakeen the Great    Friends in need
Qunrir 15702 Guerakeen the Great Friends in need 63,666 93
Guerakeen the Great   
Houndsmoor 18271 Guerakeen the Great 62,563 466
Guerakeen the Great    EasyGoingFun
East-Nagach 19116 Guerakeen the Great EasyGoingFun 36,589 194