3800 rank

23,597,587 points

19,878 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Donna the Lovely    🏴‍☠️The Loch 🏴‍☠️
Angkor 2201 Donna the Lovely 🏴‍☠️The Loch 🏴‍☠️ 63,446,003 69,777
Donna the Lovely    ➖DARK MIST➖
Zorskog 3800 Donna the Lovely ➖DARK MIST➖ 23,597,587 19,878
Donna the Lovely    The Loch
Brisgard 5484 Donna the Lovely The Loch 22,232,670 23,542
Donna the Lovely    Solo 4 Now
Yorkton 4569 Donna the Lovely Solo 4 Now 18,219,895 18,643
Donna the Lovely    Loch Raeburn
Xyr 4958 Donna the Lovely Loch Raeburn 18,182,093 10,950
Donna the Lovely    Flying Solo
Odhrorvar 5437 Donna the Lovely Flying Solo 13,132,296 8,452
Donna the Lovely    Dragon Lore
Vingrid 7719 Donna the Lovely Dragon Lore 3,694,614 5,648
Donna the Lovely    The Loch
Carthage 4481 Donna the Lovely The Loch 2,094,681 3,897