8384 rank

1,729,692 points

2,825 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Troll the Wise Mangler   
Arvahall 11590 Troll the Wise Mangler 2,337,092 3,496
Troll the Wise Mangler   
Odhrorvar 8304 Troll the Wise Mangler 2,258,462 2,854
Troll the Wise Mangler   
Cirgard 9812 Troll the Wise Mangler 2,068,947 2,916
Troll the Wise Mangler   
Zorskog 8384 Troll the Wise Mangler 1,729,692 2,825
Troll the Wise Mangler   
Greifental 14530 Troll the Wise Mangler 164,204 556