3473 rank

29,252,351 points

8,923 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TravelerKathy    The Lone Wolf
Noarsil 3872 TravelerKathy The Lone Wolf 35,317,633 8,476
TravelerKathy    STONEHENGE
Zorskog 3473 TravelerKathy STONEHENGE 29,252,351 8,923
TravelerKathy    STONEHENGE
Jaims 4731 TravelerKathy STONEHENGE 21,736,846 8,538
TravelerKathy    Warrior Sloths
Carthage 2375 TravelerKathy Warrior Sloths 12,462,961 5,666
TravelerKathy    wreak havoc
Dunarsund 7004 TravelerKathy wreak havoc 9,744,383 5,851