3527 rank

27,140,655 points

8,668 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TravelerKathy    The Lone Wolf
Noarsil 3926 TravelerKathy The Lone Wolf 33,292,767 8,205
TravelerKathy    STONEHENGE
Zorskog 3527 TravelerKathy STONEHENGE 27,140,655 8,668
TravelerKathy    STONEHENGE
Jaims 4824 TravelerKathy STONEHENGE 20,125,902 8,264
TravelerKathy    Warrior Sloths
Carthage 2407 TravelerKathy Warrior Sloths 11,222,777 5,425
TravelerKathy    wreak havoc
Dunarsund 7275 TravelerKathy wreak havoc 8,645,875 5,600