18340 rank

20,021 points

26 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sabina 1368 the Intrepid    Bacon Lovers
Mount Killmore 9148 Sabina 1368 the Intrepid Bacon Lovers 3,370,513 1,336
Sabina 1368 the Intrepid    JustForFun
Jaims 11919 Sabina 1368 the Intrepid JustForFun 521,171 448
Sabina 1368 the Intrepid    Everyday Peace
Brisgard 20504 Sabina 1368 the Intrepid Everyday Peace 53,027 65
Sabina 1368 the Intrepid   
Langendorn 16521 Sabina 1368 the Intrepid 51,326 48
Sabina 1368 the Intrepid   
Zorskog 18340 Sabina 1368 the Intrepid 20,021 26