12413 rank

271,368 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TechHelix    Guildish
Angkor 8743 TechHelix Guildish 1,393,875 329
TechHelix    The Gilded
Jaims 12652 TechHelix The Gilded 383,898 122
TechHelix    Klingon
Uceria 12129 TechHelix Klingon 369,559 153
TechHelix    Wildling
Walstrand 12030 TechHelix Wildling 291,996 110
TechHelix    Guilded
Xyr 14291 TechHelix Guilded 283,998 96
TechHelix    Helix
Zorskog 12413 TechHelix Helix 271,368 115
TechHelix    Just Play
Yorkton 14090 TechHelix Just Play 178,407 86