720 rank

258,541,964 points

271,327 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sheila the great V    Blood Legion
Zorskog 720 Sheila the great V Blood Legion 258,541,964 271,327
Sheila the great V    ⚔️War🐉Dragons⚔️
Birka 501 Sheila the great V ⚔️War🐉Dragons⚔️ 231,202,630 546,035
Sheila the great V    Honest Knights - KOG
Houndsmoor 2845 Sheila the great V Honest Knights - KOG 68,511,766 229,870
Sheila the great V    The🐺Wolf🐺Pack
Dilmun 1423 Sheila the great V The🐺Wolf🐺Pack 14,631,097 47,976
Sheila the great V    District X
Jaims 6395 Sheila the great V District X 8,534,706 14,273
Sheila the great V   
Korch 15692 Sheila the great V 106,292 47