12693 rank

231,587 points

484 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jrpf    The fast and furious
Arvahall 16508 jrpf The fast and furious 407,422 372
jrpf    Victory MC
Houndsmoor 14846 jrpf Victory MC 257,571 409
jrpf    Guild of Growth
Rugnir 13019 jrpf Guild of Growth 231,765 438
jrpf    Arcadia
Zorskog 12693 jrpf Arcadia 231,587 484
jrpf    Tugas
Parkog 12859 jrpf Tugas 223,778 606
jrpf    building 4 future
Mount Killmore 15816 jrpf building 4 future 223,763 511
jrpf    High and Mighty
Fel Dranghyr 14306 jrpf High and Mighty 220,917 834
jrpf    Kalinga
Walstrand 12654 jrpf Kalinga 211,601 506
jrpf    KnightDragon
Qunrir 13224 jrpf KnightDragon 196,852 749
jrpf    Active Throne
Korch 14168 jrpf Active Throne 194,953 709
jrpf    Cadavers Choice
Uceria 13481 jrpf Cadavers Choice 190,565 540
Xyr 15821 jrpf 150,981 415
Dunarsund 17910 jrpf THE WHITE LOTUS 79,479 381
jrpf    Simmers
Birka 13687 jrpf Simmers 35,880 94
jrpf    Assassins's Guild
Odhrorvar 17001 jrpf Assassins's Guild 32,783 237