12227 rank

314,694 points

1,015 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joe sixpack    Spamelot
Vingrid 10377 joe sixpack Spamelot 912,008 1,587
joe sixpack   
Mount Killmore 13013 joe sixpack 667,176 1,481
joe sixpack   
Xyr 13988 joe sixpack 362,257 1,125
joe sixpack    warriors of doom
Zorskog 12227 joe sixpack warriors of doom 314,694 1,015
joe sixpack    Great Eagles
Angkor 12492 joe sixpack Great Eagles 269,245 909
joe sixpack    NoStress
Walstrand 12633 joe sixpack NoStress 268,205 607
joe sixpack    just playing F.O.E
Yorkton 13801 joe sixpack just playing F.O.E 224,284 859