7821 rank

2,462,696 points

5,366 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lagetha67    Eternal Hope
Dunarsund 8242 lagetha67 Eternal Hope 5,474,707 6,002
lagetha67    The Few - The Brave
Mount Killmore 8668 lagetha67 The Few - The Brave 4,403,612 5,264
lagetha67    Ridge Runners 🏴‍☠️
Jaims 8469 lagetha67 Ridge Runners 🏴‍☠️ 2,959,866 5,686
lagetha67    Hotel California
Noarsil 8125 lagetha67 Hotel California 2,761,937 4,942
lagetha67    Newbies Rising
Zorskog 7821 lagetha67 Newbies Rising 2,462,696 5,366
lagetha67    Together We Rise
Walstrand 8189 lagetha67 Together We Rise 2,049,294 4,001
lagetha67    ⚔️ Outlanders ⚔️
Carthage 5806 lagetha67 ⚔️ Outlanders ⚔️ 879,202 1,777