15813 rank

58,098 points

66 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thales 994 the Great    Thorns
Langendorn 12302 Thales 994 the Great Thorns 347,435 157
Thales 994 the Great    Boredom Killers
Parkog 13690 Thales 994 the Great Boredom Killers 148,110 141
Thales 994 the Great    ♞ Initial Attack ♞
Mount Killmore 17335 Thales 994 the Great ♞ Initial Attack ♞ 124,857 171
Thales 994 the Great   
Carthage 9742 Thales 994 the Great 115,076 71
Thales 994 the Great   
Zorskog 15813 Thales 994 the Great 58,098 66
Thales 994 the Great   
Odhrorvar 16437 Thales 994 the Great 42,255 55
Thales 994 the Great    Lazytown
Tuulech 17121 Thales 994 the Great Lazytown 27,639 34
Thales 994 the Great   
Uceria 18258 Thales 994 the Great 21,497 20