9498 rank

979,288 points

900 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Janos Sloviak    Mushroom pickers
Rugnir 4442 Janos Sloviak Mushroom pickers 22,164,718 5,520
Janos Sloviak    Breaking Bad
Arvahall 11440 Janos Sloviak Breaking Bad 2,493,200 1,664
Janos Sloviak    Breaking Bad
Angkor 7643 Janos Sloviak Breaking Bad 2,474,574 1,448
Janos Sloviak    Mustangs
Yorkton 9816 Janos Sloviak Mustangs 1,064,062 827
Janos Sloviak    Polished and Precise
Brisgard 12473 Janos Sloviak Polished and Precise 1,054,105 944
Janos Sloviak    Vikingess
Zorskog 9498 Janos Sloviak Vikingess 979,288 900