1648 rank

92,592,065 points

13,189 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Atilla the Tyrant    Great Builders
Zorskog 1648 Atilla the Tyrant Great Builders 92,592,065 13,189
Atilla the Tyrant    No Hassle
Brisgard 10944 Atilla the Tyrant No Hassle 1,830,713 2,470
Atilla the Tyrant    The Agency
Xyr 10340 Atilla the Tyrant The Agency 1,335,723 1,779
Atilla the Tyrant   
Korch 11709 Atilla the Tyrant 571,610 1,176
Atilla the Tyrant   
Walstrand 11835 Atilla the Tyrant 329,259 663