3872 rank

22,806,509 points

4,610 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rois45    Isle of Misfit Toys
Arvahall 3374 Rois45 Isle of Misfit Toys 82,398,945 10,809
Rois45    Resting
Sinerania 2957 Rois45 Resting 57,133,732 7,641
Rois45    The Cast Aways
Jaims 3308 Rois45 The Cast Aways 50,638,610 6,527
Rois45    RULERS Diamond farm
Houndsmoor 3600 Rois45 RULERS Diamond farm 50,549,872 7,061
Rois45    💎the Diamond Mine💎
Parkog 3248 Rois45 💎the Diamond Mine💎 47,149,446 6,438
Rois45    Wildpack
Langendorn 3475 Rois45 Wildpack 44,968,262 6,685
Rois45    Polish pride
Mount Killmore 3901 Rois45 Polish pride 43,059,553 6,870
Rois45    No rules, just fun!!
Zorskog 3872 Rois45 No rules, just fun!! 22,806,509 4,610
Rois45    Dragon Warriors
Vingrid 4491 Rois45 Dragon Warriors 22,476,557 4,269