288 rank

683,624,196 points

184,525 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Darth Mole    The Burrowers 🦡
Zorskog 288 Darth Mole The Burrowers 🦡 683,624,196 184,525
Darth Mole    Moletown
East-Nagach 3905 Darth Mole Moletown 39,140,007 15,386
Darth Mole    Oooooh Mince!
Mount Killmore 8582 Darth Mole Oooooh Mince! 4,365,504 4,149
Darth Mole    Darth Talpa Europaea
Sinerania 7579 Darth Mole Darth Talpa Europaea 3,363,654 9,986
Darth Mole    Spam Banjo
Parkog 8538 Darth Mole Spam Banjo 1,903,693 4,050