1109 rank

188,276,349 points

91,794 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
EricTheRed2    WickedTwistedFelons
Arvahall 864 EricTheRed2 WickedTwistedFelons 534,084,793 152,670
EricTheRed2    Spring Break
Rugnir 630 EricTheRed2 Spring Break 516,175,710 104,403
EricTheRed2    💧 Moist 💧
Mount Killmore 1380 EricTheRed2 💧 Moist 💧 225,949,656 79,931
EricTheRed2    The Expendables
Fel Dranghyr 1478 EricTheRed2 The Expendables 216,562,874 73,125
EricTheRed2    The Round Table
Zorskog 1109 EricTheRed2 The Round Table 188,276,349 91,794