2095 rank

66,009,659 points

52,412 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bartolomeus the Bald    Shield of Honor
Tuulech 9 Bartolomeus the Bald Shield of Honor 3,807,642,055 813,998
Bartolomeus the Bald    Solitary Man
Houndsmoor 2771 Bartolomeus the Bald Solitary Man 72,188,593 26,753
Bartolomeus the Bald    Solitary Man
Zorskog 2095 Bartolomeus the Bald Solitary Man 66,009,659 52,412
Bartolomeus the Bald    Solitary Man
Arvahall 3676 Bartolomeus the Bald Solitary Man 60,693,799 33,053
Bartolomeus the Bald    Solitary Man
Qunrir 2874 Bartolomeus the Bald Solitary Man 58,762,140 31,643