3015 rank

30,265,329 points

4,102 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mary read the pirate    Troublemakers
Odhrorvar 1195 mary read the pirate Troublemakers 185,030,002 13,232
mary read the pirate    Project Mayhem
Mount Killmore 1728 mary read the pirate Project Mayhem 124,664,951 17,455
mary read the pirate    Troublemakers
Vingrid 2532 mary read the pirate Troublemakers 58,886,053 3,905
mary read the pirate    Liberty and freedom
Zorskog 3015 mary read the pirate Liberty and freedom 30,265,329 4,102
mary read the pirate    ⏹️QuBe & DiCe🎲
Dilmun 3600 mary read the pirate ⏹️QuBe & DiCe🎲 721,945 146