6899 rank

3,857,361 points

19,848 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WinPages    The Trading Post
Rugnir 892 WinPages The Trading Post 275,889,248 183,351
WinPages    V U L T U R E
Fel Dranghyr 1532 WinPages V U L T U R E 164,343,994 56,195
WinPages    Steel - Wheels
Arvahall 4159 WinPages Steel - Wheels 43,894,147 40,602
WinPages    Camelot
Birka 3367 WinPages Camelot 10,441,571 26,222
WinPages    Quiet and Peaceful
Zorskog 6899 WinPages Quiet and Peaceful 3,857,361 19,848