7175 rank

3,400,925 points

1,682 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Guardian of the Future    Jesus army
Odhrorvar 6869 Guardian of the Future Jesus army 5,498,251 1,844
Guardian of the Future    DEPLORABLES
Angkor 6675 Guardian of the Future DEPLORABLES 4,066,750 1,200
Guardian of the Future    JESUS CHRIST IS GOD
Zorskog 7175 Guardian of the Future JESUS CHRIST IS GOD 3,400,925 1,682
Guardian of the Future    BVM
Rugnir 9180 Guardian of the Future BVM 1,493,369 954
Guardian of the Future    Alpha&Omega
Carthage 9961 Guardian of the Future Alpha&Omega 82,625 82