5239 rank

10,321,558 points

3,599 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tacitus 1110 the Black    Umbral Fire
Cirgard 2198 Tacitus 1110 the Black Umbral Fire 118,189,208 10,522
Tacitus 1110 the Black    Rise of the Forgoten
Rugnir 2558 Tacitus 1110 the Black Rise of the Forgoten 74,909,579 7,455
Tacitus 1110 the Black    ACES
Jaims 3619 Tacitus 1110 the Black ACES 41,367,947 5,267
Tacitus 1110 the Black    Night Crew
Xyr 3392 Tacitus 1110 the Black Night Crew 41,351,296 5,672
Tacitus 1110 the Black    Keep It Simple
Zorskog 5239 Tacitus 1110 the Black Keep It Simple 10,321,558 3,599