11656 rank

388,558 points

854 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Casteal2020    The All Seeing Eye
Uceria 7554 Casteal2020 The All Seeing Eye 3,922,007 2,589
Casteal2020    Requiem
Walstrand 7240 Casteal2020 Requiem 3,364,990 2,356
Casteal2020    Knight's of Colombus
Xyr 8587 Casteal2020 Knight's of Colombus 2,917,072 1,703
Casteal2020    SFTA
Sinerania 8636 Casteal2020 SFTA 1,822,674 1,757
Zorskog 11656 Casteal2020 CAMELOT REDISCOVERED 388,558 854