3230 rank

33,072,510 points

37,760 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maroq    Heroes and Villains
Zorskog 3230 Maroq Heroes and Villains 33,072,510 37,760
Maroq    Just2Play 🎲🎲
Dunarsund 6967 Maroq Just2Play 🎲🎲 9,861,500 11,014
Maroq    The Omen
Uceria 10663 Maroq The Omen 742,650 1,890
Maroq    Schlongs
Angkor 12077 Maroq Schlongs 287,179 1,394
Maroq    The Omen
Carthage 8267 Maroq The Omen 224,331 887