14146 rank

116,112 points

334 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Papa396    Comfortably Numb
Greifental 8763 Papa396 Comfortably Numb 2,722,989 2,047
Jaims 14486 Papa396 166,036 350
Papa396    Some Where to Go
Mount Killmore 17070 Papa396 Some Where to Go 137,691 359
Papa396    masked healthcare
Birka 10881 Papa396 masked healthcare 130,603 354
Papa396    FREE PLAY
Zorskog 14146 Papa396 FREE PLAY 116,112 334
Papa396    This Cheeseburger
Fel Dranghyr 15778 Papa396 This Cheeseburger 111,593 343
Yorkton 17691 Papa396 41,234 132