8840 rank

1,347,895 points

1,672 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the toolman    Phonecians
Rugnir 9254 the toolman Phonecians 1,421,304 1,458
the toolman    Sidekicks
Zorskog 8840 the toolman Sidekicks 1,347,895 1,672
the toolman    Solar
Korch 10064 the toolman Solar 1,193,400 1,384
the toolman    Civilization!
Fel Dranghyr 10472 the toolman Civilization! 1,193,347 1,350
the toolman    Here For Fun
Arvahall 13585 the toolman Here For Fun 1,090,683 1,420
the toolman    CovenII
Vingrid 10068 the toolman CovenII 1,028,182 1,477
the toolman    Shield Wall
Odhrorvar 9805 the toolman Shield Wall 1,010,327 1,278