12148 rank

296,328 points

374 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Togar The Great   
East-Nagach 12269 Togar The Great 653,794 1,291
Togar The Great   
Zorskog 12148 Togar The Great 296,328 374
Togar The Great    Camp Cruel
Sinerania 12491 Togar The Great Camp Cruel 282,213 323
Togar The Great    Conscious Evolution
Houndsmoor 14908 Togar The Great Conscious Evolution 252,696 403
Togar The Great    Patton's 3rd Army
Fel Dranghyr 14247 Togar The Great Patton's 3rd Army 226,954 281
Togar The Great    Casual players
Walstrand 15573 Togar The Great Casual players 55,221 182