10638 rank

583,157 points

644 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marvy Misty    Equinox Asylum
Arvahall 14486 Marvy Misty Equinox Asylum 827,865 658
Marvy Misty    Coasties
Uceria 10730 Marvy Misty Coasties 719,279 781
Marvy Misty    Battle Born
Zorskog 10638 Marvy Misty Battle Born 583,157 644
Marvy Misty    Military Merchants
Yorkton 11262 Marvy Misty Military Merchants 548,079 557
Marvy Misty    Sons of Sherwood
Xyr 12616 Marvy Misty Sons of Sherwood 517,434 626
Marvy Misty    WAR IS HELL
Vingrid 11560 Marvy Misty WAR IS HELL 507,062 684
Marvy Misty    Kamelot
Walstrand 11507 Marvy Misty Kamelot 363,183 532