13495 rank

159,338 points

267 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
loard bee    The inquisition
Parkog 8265 loard bee The inquisition 2,244,676 2,052
loard bee   
Dilmun 4318 loard bee 668,961 609
loard bee    Tiger family🥇🥇🥇
Jaims 12218 loard bee Tiger family🥇🥇🥇 457,155 650
loard bee    Thieves guild
Uceria 11837 loard bee Thieves guild 412,899 647
loard bee    Roman Empire IV
Dunarsund 15575 loard bee Roman Empire IV 211,781 350
loard bee    Wanderers
Rugnir 13388 loard bee Wanderers 194,016 252
loard bee    Enigma Monument
Zorskog 13495 loard bee Enigma Monument 159,338 267