11634 rank

392,456 points

474 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
em0208    the rangers
Birka 8381 em0208 the rangers 446,054 545
em0208    All welcome
Zorskog 11634 em0208 All welcome 392,456 474
em0208    The 4th Crusade
Langendorn 13236 em0208 The 4th Crusade 278,831 341
em0208    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Rugnir 13165 em0208 Kingdom of Jerusalem 271,866 366
em0208    Mean Old Bastards
Tuulech 15296 em0208 Mean Old Bastards 85,578 177
em0208    Dragon Lords
Walstrand 17905 em0208 Dragon Lords 30,881 39