16361 rank

47,486 points

39 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Screaming Eagles
Uceria 5429 Aristotle 863 the Dire Screaming Eagles 12,520,425 2,297
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Fightin' Irish
Fel Dranghyr 17169 Aristotle 863 the Dire Fightin' Irish 70,140 38
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Vancouvria
Mount Killmore 19691 Aristotle 863 the Dire Vancouvria 57,809 27
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Portlandia
Korch 17199 Aristotle 863 the Dire Portlandia 56,419 21
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Cascadia
Houndsmoor 18729 Aristotle 863 the Dire Cascadia 55,650 30
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Patriots
Dunarsund 19180 Aristotle 863 the Dire Patriots 53,675 34
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Irondogs
Zorskog 16323 Aristotle 863 the Dire Irondogs 50,819 31
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Templar
Noarsil 16561 Aristotle 863 the Dire Templar 48,707 32
Aristotle 863 the Dire   
Rugnir 16763 Aristotle 863 the Dire 47,586 15
Aristotle 863 the Dire    This we'll defend
Angkor 16361 Aristotle 863 the Dire This we'll defend 47,486 39
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Rose Haven
Vingrid 17128 Aristotle 863 the Dire Rose Haven 45,099 32
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Viks
Xyr 19557 Aristotle 863 the Dire Viks 39,677 30
Aristotle 863 the Dire    Thunder
Yorkton 18216 Aristotle 863 the Dire Thunder 36,354 34
Aristotle 863 the Dire   
Cirgard 20947 Aristotle 863 the Dire 25,428 13
Aristotle 863 the Dire   
Parkog 17962 Aristotle 863 the Dire 25,186 20
Aristotle 863 the Dire   
Jaims 19087 Aristotle 863 the Dire 24,841 28