2636 rank

40,417,949 points

6,806 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Belinus 719 the Merciful    The Eagle Republic
Brisgard 3885 Belinus 719 the Merciful The Eagle Republic 43,369,962 6,909
Belinus 719 the Merciful    Battle Matrons
Angkor 2636 Belinus 719 the Merciful Battle Matrons 40,417,949 6,806
Belinus 719 the Merciful   
Cirgard 3694 Belinus 719 the Merciful 40,381,839 6,407
Belinus 719 the Merciful    STONEHENGE
Zorskog 2989 Belinus 719 the Merciful STONEHENGE 36,011,310 6,890