6289 rank

5,488,586 points

11,417 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Walstrand 6325 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 6,579,069 12,592
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizard
Vingrid 6735 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizard 6,504,850 13,822
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Yorkton 6611 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 6,191,552 11,637
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Sinerania 6644 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 6,180,466 12,854
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizard
Tuulech 6657 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizard 5,988,804 12,476
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Xyr 7276 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 5,906,025 12,057
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Zorskog 6370 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 5,725,503 10,802
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Angkor 6289 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 5,488,586 11,417
BlackSand the Sly    Smoking Lizards
Uceria 7161 BlackSand the Sly Smoking Lizards 5,393,356 11,732