7055 rank

3,251,843 points

8,382 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Blaster the 1    Lord of the Flies
Greifental 1248 Blaster the 1 Lord of the Flies 227,121,580 114,559
Blaster the 1    Enshadowed
Noarsil 5350 Blaster the 1 Enshadowed 13,483,591 25,131
Blaster the 1    LDK
Yorkton 6669 Blaster the 1 LDK 5,473,943 13,346
Blaster the 1    Diamonds-7
Dilmun 2310 Blaster the 1 Diamonds-7 5,130,377 9,449
Blaster the 1    Mining For Gold
Mount Killmore 8408 Blaster the 1 Mining For Gold 4,727,022 12,564
Blaster the 1    Diamonds-7
Cirgard 8408 Blaster the 1 Diamonds-7 4,105,976 10,235
Blaster the 1    Diamonds-7
Angkor 7055 Blaster the 1 Diamonds-7 3,251,843 8,382